2024 Model Boats on Parade

The San Francisco Model Yacht Club will be hosting 2024 Model Boats on
Parade.  The event will happen on Sunday, September 15, 2024 at Spreckels
Lake in Golden Gate Park.  This year’s production will be expanded to include:

Craftsman Power Models
RC Sailing Yachts
Freesail Sailing Yachts
Static Ship Models
Model Steam Engines

We will also be featuring:

Clubhouse Tours
Power Boat Parade
Sailing Demos

Model Boats On Parade Exhibitors click here to download Registration Form.
Pre-registration is important to plan lunch for all participants.

Event Questions?:
Ken Knipmeyer

To download a pdf copy of the above flyer click here.

What is the San Francisco Model Yacht Club?  Click image to view a video.



Model Boats on Parade 2024 includes clubhouse tours.  Click image to view a video of the clubhouse.



Click image to view a video of 2012 Model Boats on Parade.



Click image to view a video of 2018 Model Boats on Parade.



For more detailed information about club activities check out the following sections.

More about the SFMYC Club and Clubhouse
Click here to view SFMYC Club and Clubhouse photos
Click here to view 120th Anniversary video.

Model Boats on Parade
Click here to view a video of 2022 Model Boats on Parade.
Click here to view additional Model Boats on Parade photos.

FreeSail Yachts (sailboats with no radio control) 
Click here to view the SFMYC freesail page
Click here to view a video of freesail sailing
Click here to view freesail photos

Radio Control Sail Yachts
Click here to view SFMYC R/C sailing page
Click here to view a R/C sailing video
Click here to view a video from the deck of a R/C (Star 45) sailboat.